The Motoplat VC-07 USB tester is an addition to your current test equipment, which allows you to check and test the alternators that are fitted on the latest cars, such as: BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and Audi.
The VC-07 USB alternator tester only takes a few seconds to automatically identify the COM type regulator used on the alternator that needs to be tested and display it in 30 different protocols, together with its ID code. There is even the possibility to identify the type of regulator without the alternator itself. While the tester is checking the PWM and PD controlled alternators, the monitor will also display information about the DFM signal.
Initial setting of the VC-07 USB voltage is 14.5V, but it can be changed by pressing the buttons ‘15.5V’, ‘13.5V’, ‘12.5V’ or the ‘OFF’ button. The DFM signal is displayed in percentage (%), which allows you to evaluate the performance during charging at a specific moment. An additional function of the VC-07 USB alternator tester is a Voltage Meter. The VC-07 alternator tester is equipped with a USB connection and come with its own software, which can be installed on your PC or Laptop.
The Motoplat VC-09ST is the world’s first aftermarket tester/calibrator for Valeo ST-series alternators. These are start/stop reversible alternators which also have the function of charging the battery and starting the engine.
Till now, there is only one known instrument that can diagnose and test the Valeo ST35 series reversible alternators: The VC-09ST benchtop tester, produced by MOTOPLAT. The VC-09ST calibrates the electronic signals to the control box in connection with the ECU for a reliable and fast start. The VC-09ST tests all of the functions of the alternator, like the parameters.
Depending on the rotor position, the phase switching control system requires, that after such an alternator is repaired, the Hall sensors should be properly positioned. Otherwise, the generator won’t have enough power to rotate the crankshaft. On the screen of the tester, you can check whether their position is correct or not. On the screen will appear an oscilloscope graph of the signal received from the Hall sensor (the rectangular wave) and the one of the phases.
The correctness of the Hall sensor’s position is displayed on the basis of points where both waves interfere each other. If we deal with an alternating current reversible generator, it will be 100% efficient as an alternator. For example an alternating current generator and at the same time its Hall sensors are correctly positioned, it will be 100% efficient as an alternating current motor, for example in this case, a starter.

The VC-19 is specially designed to perfectly fit in the conventional Motoplat/Bosch test benches and is equipped with the same features as the VC-07 USB.
The new series VC-19 alternator testers are equipped with a USB connection and come with their own software which can be installed on your own PC or Laptop. The VC-19 USB can test now a total of 14 protocols, like the New Valeo CG-type alternators, Valeo IST type Start/Stop alternators and even the new “so called” LIN-3 alternators, fitted on Honda and Mercedes S-class.
The Motoplat VC-19 USB tester is an addition to your current test equipment, that allows you to check and test the alternators that are fitted on the latest cars, such as: BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and Audi. The VC-19 alternator tester only takes a few seconds to automatically identify the type of regulator used on the alternator that needs to be tested (Lin_1, Lin_2, BSS). There is even the possibility to identify the type of regulator without the alternator itself (+B, 0v socket). An additional function of the VC-19 alternator tester is a Voltage Meter.