PSH delivers worldwide through our 7 different subsidiaries. We aim to deliver to our customers within a few days. Our diverse range of shipping methods provides our customers with a wide array of options for the most streamlined delivery from PSH.
Once the order is shipped with TNT, you will receive an email with a shipment number. The status of this order can be followed after 00:00am via the link or via tnt.com. The shipment number can also be found on the packing list and invoice.
With other shipping methods, it is not possible to track the status of the order. If the shipment has not been delivered according to the stated delivery time, please contact one of our transport departments.
PSH NL [email protected]
PSH PL [email protected]
PSH FR [email protected]
PSH ES [email protected]
PSH UK [email protected]
Click below for the TNT website

Shipping Costs
Possible shipping costs can be found in our webshop after selecting one of the shipping methods in the shopping cart.

To deliver the order to a different address, you can simply change the address in the webshop. In addition, you can choose from various transport options. Possible shipping costs will then be visible in the order overview. We kindly request you to also enter the recipient’s telephone number next to the address field. In this way, the carrier can contact the recipient directly in the event of any hindrance.
We do not ship deliveries outside the EEC to your customer.
In case you want to return a unit or send it back for warranty, it needs to be pre-registered via the warranty/return form in our webshop.
You can also download the warranty form by clicking here: Warranty Form
For further explanation about how to order a return or warranty, click below.